


Resetting MAMP’s MySQL Root User Password


Those of you familiar with MAMP will no doubt know that MAMP’s MySQL root user password is set to root by default and changing it is not as straightforward as it perhaps should be.

I’ve previously described a way of successfully changing the root user password providing, of course, that you know the current password. If you’ve forgotten it, this method will not work and a way of re-setting the password is required.


Fixing WordPress “404 Object Not Found” Errors on a Mac OS X Local Server Environment


Installing WordPress on a local server environment is fairly straight forward. There are numerous guides to be found on the Internet that’ll walk you through each step.

However, if your local server environment is running on a Mac, the local Apache server may have some difficulty serving WordPress posts and pages resulting in Error 404 Object not found! errors. These errors can often be attributed to the use of custom or so-called pretty permalinks.


Starting MAMP’s Apache and MySQL Servers at Login


Whether using XAMPP or MAMP to provide a local server environment I prefer to have the respective Apache and MySQL servers start when I login.

With XAMPP I use a launch daemon and this works perfectly. With MAMP it’s even easier as there’s an option to Start Servers when starting MAMP in MAMP’s preferences. I only need to add MAMP.app to my Login Items and MAMP’s servers will be up and running after logging in.


Changing the MySQL Root User Password in MAMP


Having recently changed my local testing server environment from XAMPP to MAMP v2.0.5 I wanted to change the password for the MySQL root user. By default it’s set to root.

Changing the MySQL password for the root user was straightforward enough, but locating and editing the files to reflect the new password was a different story. Failure to update all the necessary files results in MAMP reporting the following error:

/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysqlcheck: Got error: 1045: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) when trying to connect


Assigning a Locally Networked Computer a Static IP Address in Mac OS X


Each computer connected to a local network is assigned a dynamic IP address. On occasion it’s useful, if not essential, to assign a static IP address instead. As an example, port forwarding requires the destination computer on a local network to have a static IP address.

Using Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1, I’ll describe two ways of assigning a static IP address to a computer on a local network.


Entering File and Folder Paths on the macOS Command Line


The one thing that trips me up time and again when using the command line in Terminal or other terminal emulator is being able to navigate the directory structure and target files or folders. After struggling getting the correct file or folder path I’m usually greeted with No such file or directory reminding me that the command line doesn’t like spaces in file and folder paths.

With that in mind here are a few ways to enter file and folder paths on the command line.


Setting Dimensions of OS X Finder Windows


One small annoyance I have with the Mac OS X Finder is its apparent inability to let me set a default Finder window size. However many times I resize windows with the mouse, the Finder will eventually reset them to some arbitrary dimensions.

If, like me, you find this aspect of the Finder’s behaviour particularly irksome then try this AppleScript.


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