


Subnetting: A Visual Representation


In general, the computers and devices that make-up networks are each assigned an IP address. The IPv4 address is written in dot-decimal notation, a series of 4 decimal integers each separated by a period for clarity. For computers, this human-readable format is stored in binary with each decimal integer represented by 8 bits or 1 byte commonly referred to as an octet. The 4 decimal integers of an IPv4 address are therefore represented by 4 octets totalling 32 bits.


mysqli::prepare Fails Using ALTER TABLE in a Statement With Parameter Markers


Part of a project I’m working on requires re-setting a MySQL table by deleting most – but not all – rows. In PHP I’m using mysqli::prepare to prepare the MySQL statements.

$id = 5;
$query = $conn->prepare("DELETE FROM table WHERE id>?");



The MySQL statement includes a parameter marker – denoted by ? – which is then substituted for the value of the $id variable using mysqli::bind_param.


Securing WordPress Login Using HTTP Authentication


Having spent some considerable time and effort cleaning this site after it had been hacked I was determined to make it as secure as I possibly could in an attempt to prevent it happening again.

This is a WordPress site running on an Apache server so one of the numerous measures I implemented was to use HTTP Authentication to password-protect the wp-login.php file.


Resetting MAMP’s MySQL Root User Password


Those of you familiar with MAMP will no doubt know that MAMP’s MySQL root user password is set to root by default and changing it is not as straightforward as it perhaps should be.

I’ve previously described a way of successfully changing the root user password providing, of course, that you know the current password. If you’ve forgotten it, this method will not work and a way of re-setting the password is required.


Recovering Lost Jetpack Stats in WordPress


Many of you will be familiar with the Jetpack plugin. I use Jetpack’s Stats module — previously the Stats plugin — to record and display this site’s page views.

Several Jetpack modules including the Stats module require a connection to an account at where your self-hosted WordPress site is given a unique ID. This unique ID is associated with the site’s domain name. If you change an already connected site’s domain name and reconnect it to your account it is given a new unique ID.

Herein lies the source of a problem I had recently which resulted in the apparent loss of all this site’s stats.


Collapsible Sidebar Lists Plugin for WordPress


A previous theme I used for this site incorporated For some while this site’s been using the collapsible sidebar lists I described in this post. This method requires manually adding PHP and Javascript to the theme’s code. All a bit clunky really.

I’ve finally completed a plugin which provides the same functionality, but in a far more convenient way. The collapsible lists currently displayed in this site’s sidebar are generated by this plugin.


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